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Gallstone Ileus: Report Of Three Cases And Review Of Literature

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Woo, W. S. Y. (2022). Gallstone Ileus: Report Of Three Cases And Review Of Literature. British Journal Of Surgical Science, 1(2). Retrieved from


Gallstone ileus (GI) is an uncommon sequela of cholelithiasis or gallbladder stones. It accounts for
about 0.3-0.5% of incidences of cholelithiasis (1). In the same vein, it is also a rare etiology of
intestinal obstruction. Approximately 1-4% of cases of intestinal obstruction are due to GI ( 2).
However, we have encountered a series of cases of GI. Hence the question begs:
Is GI a rare disease as reported in the medical literature or the spate of cases at our center was
merely a statistical outlier attributable to external factors?


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