Free Peer Review Open Access General Surgery journal
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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • The authors had submitted the conflict of interest COI form at ICMJE :
  • The study follow the respective guidance on RCT, systematic review and meat analysis ,cohort or cases report studies. These are explained in author guidelines.
  • ORCID of the first or correspondance author should be included

Author Guidelines


British Journal Of Surgical Science BJOSS is a peer review journal, publishing high quality articles in general surgery, Upper and Lower GI surgery, Endoscopy and Laparoscopic Minimal Access Technique including interventional GI radiology. The readership is wide including the global surgical societies, universities, surgeons, physicians and trainees in general, upper, lower GI, minimal access surgery and endoscopy. The journal is free for access to the authors, readers and public and will contribute to the enrichment of scientific knowledge, supporting young and established academics and flourishing research activities.

Aim and scope:

BJOSS is an open access journal providing free access platform to high quality research. It is publishing original research, randomised trials, meta-analysis, systematic reviews, prospective and retrospective studies , letters to the editor , editorial and case reports.The open access nature of our journal is providing wide readership across the globe with no restriction to any state, individual or society.
The main aim of the journal is to support scientific research and authors whether they are established academics or junior academics in publishing their work. The EIC and editorial board will ensure unbiased blind peer review process and provide constructive critical assessment of each submission.
BJOSS will concentrate on clinical research that focusing on minimal access/laparoscopic/endoscopic techniques no matter what type of abdominal surgery is.
The journal will accept short video submission to support a surgical technique demonstration or purely as case report.
The journal is free for submission and access.

Editorial Policies

Peer Review

This journal uses blind peer review process to assess the articles.The Editorial office will check completeness of the any submission, authors will be contacted if any item is missing.
EIC and Editorial board will assess each submission and decide on peer review process or return to the authors.
The system will result in rejecting certain number of articles, these papers will be returned to the authors with constructive specific and general critical points and feedbacks.Three reviewers will be invited to comment on any submission. The EIC or aasociate Editor will decide on each article taking in consideration the referees’ comments.
Young academics will enjoy guidance by EIC and Editorial board members and reviewers to improve their submissions and increase the chance of accepting the works.

Ethical consideration:

Human and animals research should be in line with ethical research conducting and reporting policies[]

Research registration:

BJOSS encourages but it does not oblige research registration before submission.

The authors should state in the cover letter the originality of the research and it is not redundant paper, published before, submitted or under consideration by any other journal. Any published abstract of the submission must be declare in the cover letter.

Conflict of interest statements:
Corresponding author will be responsible to submit the conflict-of-interest forms. Please use IMJJE form:
You can find a detailed definition of conflicts of interests here.

Research Misconduct:

Although it is extremely rare but misconduct is reported in the research publications.Any paper should be in line with COPE guidelines []and ,any suspicious manuscript will be investigated and reported to the authors head of department, hospital, university ,etc.The result of investigation will be published in the journal pages.

Authors should disclose any funding support to the research projects


Taking part in research and completing projects is very hard work. Only researchers who put sufficient efforts should be included in the authorship .Authorship should reflect the efforts put by each author to produce the work.Authors should fulfil the criteria highlighted by ICMJE:  please click .

Acknowledgement :
Authors should acknowledge the people who contributed but not eligible for authorship .


BJOSS will consider your manuscript as long as:

1.It is original

2.Not published by any other journal and

3.Not under consideration for publication by other journals.

Articles' copyrights are held by authors, authors are free to deposit their work at any scientific platform and share their works without prior permission from the journal.

How to Submit:

You must submit through journal system:

If you have difficulty,please contact the editorial office at:

Submission Types:

This Journal publishes different types of research, RCT, meta-analysis, systematic reviews, prospective and retrospective studies, editorials, letters to the editor, case series, and case reports. The journal also publishes interesting video articles.

1. RCT

All submitted studies should be in line with CONSORT statement.

There is no limited number of pages.

2. Reviews

All reviews and metanalysis should comply with the PRISMA statement. Please click: on the PRISMA statement, Authors must include a suitable PRISMA flow chart, please click here.Please also visit:

3. Prospective and retrospective studies:

Please follow the guidelines of the STROBE statement: checklists are available on:

4. Case reports: the format is summary, introduction, case history, examination, investigations, treatment, Discussion, References, 1-2 tables, 1-2 figures, and video mp4 up to 50 MB.

5. Video articles:
50MB ,MP4 format , summery, introduction, description of the video and discussion , up to 10 references.
Letter to the editor:
The journal welcomes a correspondence from readers regarding any research papers that are published in BJOSS.All letters are addressed to the editor in chief.

Original articles

Original articles should include the following sections:

Abstract: 250 words in the background, aim, methods, results, conclusion
Keywords: 3-5 keywords are required.

Introduction: authors should include 2-5 paragraphs highlighting the background, what is the current evidence on the subject, and what are the research challenges forward.
Methods: authors should explain the methods of conducting the research in detail including the role of the authors, data collection process, analysis, statistical methods, patient consent, and ethical research committee agreement reference number [ if applicable].
Results: The results should be explained and supported by tables or figures in the text.
Conclusions: 1-3 points of what the study showed or confirmed.

Acknowledgments: of the contribution of people who are not eligible for authorship but contributed to the work.


Should follow Vancouver style of referencing:
Brethauer SA, Aminian A, Romero-Talamas H, et al. Can diabetes be surgically cured? Long-term metabolic effects of bariatric surgery in obese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Ann Surg 2013; 258(4): 628-36


Gordon B D, Smith FG, Van der Larsen, editors. Operative obstetrics. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2003.

William Smith, M. (2011). Physiological change in the aging process. In DC.Hart & A. Brown (Eds.). Advanced physiology (pp.18-40). Nature. doi: 10.6664/1245

Journal articles electronic:
Fanta CH. Asthma. N Engl J Med. [Internet] 2009 [cited 2013 Jan 9]; 360(10):1002-14. Available from:

Website : [Internet]. New York: UGI Association, Inc.; c2000-01 [updated 2021 May 16; cited 2021Jul 9]. Available from:
Please add the date of access.

Tables and figures legends and captions:

Please use word for tables and figures production. Each table and figure should be numbered using Arabic numbers. Each table and figure should have captions/legends explaining the contents and the abbreviations that are used.

Conflict of interest statement: please submit a complete form for each author using ICMJE []as mentioned above.

Letter to the editor:
The journal welcomes a correspondence from readers regarding any research papers that are published in BJOSS.

All letters are addressed to the editor in chief.

Manuscript Preparation:

File formats for text and tables are .doc, .docx or .rtf. Figures should be .jpeg, .jpg, .tiff or .eps.

Title page:

On the title page please state:

  1. Title of the article;
  2. Category: original, review, case report, etc
  3. The Initial and Surname of each author;
  4. The affiliation
  5. The corresponding author, name, address, email, tel no.
  6. Funding details, if no funding please state [ No fund for this study]


This must contain fewer than 250 words in a structured format.

  • Background: Please mention why the study is conducted, what is the current evidence in this subject and what is your aim[aims].
  • Method: Describe patients, methods, processes according to the type of article.
  • Results: explain the main results in numerical values.
  • Conclusion: mention the main conclusion no matter how it is controversial. This should reflect what your study showed.

For the systematic reviews/meta-analysis and randomized controlled trials please use the guidance of  PRISMA and CONSORT.

Main text:

The following sections should be included:

1. Introduction
2. Methods in detail
3. Results in detail
4. Discussion:
Authors should present and discuss their results in a clear manner and highlight the importance of the results of the study and how to compare them to the current literature, Authors are encouraged to present scientific arguments, pro and cons of each important result.Authors should include a limitation section at the end of the discussion reporting the limitations of the current study. Authors should suggest further research types to confirm their results if applicable,

Tables and Figures:

Separate file which should be supplied. Please ensure that figure legend are included in the main file, at the end of the text. 1200 dpi (dots per inch) for black and white line art (simple bar graphs, etc.)

  • 300 dpi for halftones (black and white photographs)
  • 600 dpi for combination halftones (photographs that also contain line art such as labelling or thin lines)

Please name Fig.1, Fig.2, etc.
Figures in color are encouraged and will be printed at no cost to the author.


Videos may be included and will be playable within the online version of the article. Submit each video as a separate file and include a legend for each. Cite these within the main text, and name them in the same format as figures and tables (for example, Vid.1, Vid.2).
Formats/File Types:

We will accept files in .mp4. Please upload as a ‘Video’. All files' volume, must not exceed 50 MB.Patient Consent: The corresponding author must confirm that consent has been obtained from the patient in the production of the material [video, and the case]. EIC may ask for these forms, but they are not necessary for submission.


Abbreviations must be used consistently and must be defined on first use in the text.

Statistics :

Please identify the primary and secondary points of the research. Clearly describe methods used for analysis. Report results of statistical tests mentioning the used statistical tests, P values which is taken as <0.05 to be significant. Confidence intervals should be stated.


Use double spacing in the Vancouver style as mentioned above. Please use the format of 1,2-5 , in the text.

Supplementary Material:

Can be sent on the original submission to support the paper. These may include raw data, figures, tables, etc.

Process of production:

After accepting the paper,the Editor In Chief will review the submission and a copyeditor will edit the paper the queries will be sent to the corresponding author to address them,Then the final stage of proofreading may find few queries and that need addressing before final stage of publication.

Open access:

All papers are published on NO COST from the authors.

Type of the study


No of references

No of words






PRISMA statement



Prospective /retrospective




Case series/

case reports






Introduction, discussion,references



Letter to the editor

Up to 4 paragraphs,









Version 1,01/07/2021














50 MB,



Transplant surgery

BJOSS will consider any transplant paper/work

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.