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Ex-situ hepatectomy: Indications, Techniques and Results

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Ex situ hepatectomy, Liver Resection

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Coco, D., & Leanza, S. (2021). Ex-situ hepatectomy: Indications, Techniques and Results . British Journal Of Surgical Science, 1(1).


Ex situ hepatectomy is a novel approach, used in treating complicated liver tumors, which are otherwise unresectable via conventional methods including organ perfusion, liver transplant, hemodynamic management, vascular reconstruction or even extended hepatic resection. The Ex situ hepatectomy technique denotes the entire removal of the infected liver, which is then perfused in a cold preservation solution, which allows the surgeon to remove tumors, which were otherwise unreachable when the liver is situated in the body. In so doing, the tumor is restricted ex situ on the surgeon stable, while the remaining liver is implanted orthotopically. Notably, the works on Ex situ hepatectomy techniques are credited to Pichlmary 1990, who proposed the surgical approach in the treatment of bilateral liver leiomyosarcoma. More to that, there are only a handful of successful Ex situ hepatectomy cases which have been recorded on a global scale, given the complexity of the operation. Secondary as well as primary liver tumors are some of the most commonly occurring liver tumors in  humans.

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