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The Management Of Ileal Conduit-rectal Fistula Post Anterior Pelvic Exenteration For Recurrent Ovarian Cancer Using Over-The-Scop-Clip (OTSC)

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over-the-scope-clip (OTCS)
ileal conduit rectal fistula

How to Cite

mohd shamsudin bin zainol abidin. (2022). The Management Of Ileal Conduit-rectal Fistula Post Anterior Pelvic Exenteration For Recurrent Ovarian Cancer Using Over-The-Scop-Clip (OTSC). British Journal Of Surgical Science, 1(2). Retrieved from


Fistulous complication that arise from ileal conduit creation is a rare complication. Conservative or less invasive approved often become initial approach taking account patient previous major abdominal or pelvis injury as surgical repair carry high risk of morbidity. In view of the rarity of the case, there are no standardize guideline for the management of the ileal conduit fistula. Here we present a case of ileal conduit rectal fistula that successfully manage endoscopically using over-the-scope-clip (OTCS)


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